This is probably my favorite look out of the 5 (if you couldn't already tell by the amount of pictures this one has). It's casual and tomboyish but still had that girly factor to it. Yet once again, it's essentially just a normal tank and shorts outfit but amph'd up a little to match the festival vibe! You can take any of your old tees or tanks and tie them up to turn them into a crop top and pair them with some high waisted, oh so distressed denim. It's a wonderful way to beat the heat while still getting some sun. Once it gets cold at night, pull off that knot and part of your tummy gets a little bit warmer!

This hat is a very special hat to me. Both of my parents escaped their country of Vietnam during the Vietnam War and refuged to the United States when they were young. They left everything behind to try and find a better life for themselves and their families. While my dad was in Vietnam, he had a core group of friends he grew up with throughout primary and middle school. Living in a dorm for all those years, eating together, drinking together, studying together, showering together, playing together ... it's only a given that they would end up sharing this brotherly bond. But the war halted their friendship and they all went their own paths; it wasn't until 30 years later when they were reunited again. At their reunion, one of my dad's friends gave all of us a hat to sign - a yearbook of some sort. And now I have a hat with many many signatures from all over the world. Wherever I travel, they travel with me. The friendship my dad has with his friends is what I hope to someday have. No matter the obstacles and struggles they faced, they each found some way back to each other. There's nothing more beautiful than that.

It just goes to show that destiny has it's way of linking people together. If you are meant to be friends with a person you are meant to be with them. The phenomenon of the red string theory doesn't always have to apply to affectionate relationships, but rather all relationships. And when you keep that in mind, the possibilities are endless. You're one in 7 billion; time to go find your strings and make your bracelets (instead of a hat with signatures.. oh that's a super cute idea!) 

Hat from Australia
Free People Necklace
Free People Top
Vintage Belt
Levi's Shorts
Matisse x LF Boots

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