Growing up, my mom always told me, "to see the world you must first step foot outside your door." You must be willing to go. You must be willing to do. You must be willing to see. 

LF Leather Jacket | LF Trench Coat | Timeless Dress | YRU Boots

Paris, the fashion capital of the world.

During the time I was in Paris, the weather was definitely chillier than what I'm used to. Being a Southern California native, winters aren't quite winters. They're more or less cold mornings and warm afternoons. Going across the world and experiencing the true transition from winter to spring was different but lovely.

There's something about waking up and opening the window of the balcony and immediately being hit by that crisp, cold breeze. It's not the type of cold that makes you uncomfortable, but rather the type of cold that makes you feel refresh. Either way, to lug on through the day, I had to rely on layers to keep me warm while shopping.  

Paris isn't a big city. It's quite easy to find yourself wandering to new spots just by walking to the next street - or should I say "rue" - over. Shops, bakeries, stores, cafes, everything is everywhere. There's not a dull moment when you're venturing.


Stay tuned for more.